

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

When the words "Beauty with Brains" come to you, what is the first thought you have? What is your impression regarding this matter?

When i scrolled my twitter few days back, i came to stumble by a tweet where someone said 

"Tak habis-habis agungkan "beauty with brain" like the girls who are not very good-looking don't deserve appreciation heh though brainy?"

And then here i am explaining about what is my thought regarding this matter.

1. Beauty

Beauty is a subjective thing. How can you defined beauty as beauty is in the eyes of the holder, right?

If the beauty that you're talking about is outer beauty, i don't think you have to worry about it girls. 

You know, there are plenty of make up(s) out there that you can use to be pretty and there are plenty of make up classes that you can go and learnt on how to be pretty. And yes there are plenty of shops-online or offline that you can buy decent and pretty and trendy clothes. No worries about it girls.


If the beauty that you're talking about is inner beauty, here comes your role as yourself. You are the one who can define this beauty.

"I truly, truly believe that beauty is something that comes from within." - Emma Watson

I also believe to be beauty, you have to be kind, polite, humble, happy and the most important part of this inner beauty is to LOVE YOURSELF. When you love yourself, automatically you're the prettiest women in this earth. No kidding. By appreciating yourself, then you can only appreciate others.

Oh, don't forget to wear your confidence lady!

2. Brains

"One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world." - Malala Yousafzai

When it is about simple, the calculation is very simple. Do you know what you need girls?


Yes, you need books. How can you have brains if you're not reading? Read as much as you can. Let it be any genre of books as long as it is book and you're reading it.

Inspirational, history, poetry, science fiction, drama, etc.

You name it. It doesn't matter at all as long as you're reading. Be it online or offline.

Ignore when others saying you didn't know about certain fields but you're very expert in some fields. Laugh at them and say "you're the stupid one!"

That's why I really really really stress out about reading and books. Cause no man can beat you when you read.

"To all the girls that think you're fat because you're not a size zero, you're the beautiful one. Its society who's ugly." - Marilyn Monroe

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fair enough, but i thinks most of the beauty from inside quote are make by thoose who are already beautiful. like come on, emma watson tuuu