

Sunday, March 20, 2016

I'm back! Dah lama nyaaa tak update blog! Terlalu rinduuuu, terlalu rinduu, jujur aku terlalu rinduuuu. K dah.

So let's straight to the main point here. I found this at twitter and i think i have to speak out regarding this matter. Yes i know with the current state of Malaysia right now, having this Longest Muffin Line might be quite irrelevant or maybe they can do something bigger for some people.

Let me ask you one question. What will be your reaction if you did something big/important/working out for some project and at the end no one is appreciating you? What will you feel?

So we're implementing the same things toward this Longest Muffin Line. How will this Polytechnic's students feel when they read our comment? How dejected they will feel after all of their sweat is not being appreciated by us?

If we don't want to appreciate their effort, just stop there. Don't say anything about it or condemning they effort. Sometimes it is better to stay silent.

Oh wait...

I didn't say that everything should be keep quiet. It is good that we are condemning them but how about if we change it a little bit? Condemning and at the same time giving them some ideas or a better proposal on what they can do in future.

Rather than we just condemning them........

Btw, Good job for all the Polytechnic's students who were working on this project. So i hope with this post, there might be some changes with what we can do for the better future!

P/s: I wrote "we" as i'm referring to me too.

Have a great day! 

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