

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Ni semua soalan-soalan lazim bila kau dah nak habis belajar. Benda biasa ni. Tak kisah lah kau baru lepas SPM ke, Diploma ke, Degree ke, Masters ke. Tak kira. Oh ye soalan ni lain dari soalan BILA NAK KAHWIN? ye adik-adik semua. Huhu. Dan sesungguhnya aku ni lambat lagi untuk menerima soalan bila nak kahwin ni tapi soalan nak buat apa lepas ni pasti diberikan tanpa jemu kepada aku memandangkan dah tak lama nak habis Degree ni.

Oi, kau ingat ada orang keww nak tahu pasal future plan kau?

Hewhewhew. Biarlah kalau takde orang nak tahu pun. Ni blog aku kot - jawab si gelabah Tasha

Atau mungkin nanti kalau ada orang tanya aku in real life lepas ni nak buat apa, aku terus je hulur link blog aku. Baca terus dari sini takde lah aku nak kena ulang banyak kali tiap kali jumpa orang kan? hahahhaha.

Atau pada sesiapa yang sangat berminat dengan life aku tapi malu-malu kucing nak tanya kat aku terus dan membuat keputusan untuk tanya pada kenalan aku "Eh Tasha tu lepas ni nak buat apa eh?" maka sila lah kenalan aku tu hulur link blog aku ni sebab korang pun bukannya tahu sangat pun apa plan hidup aku kan? kan?

Nah aku mempersembahkan kepada korang penduduk sekalian alam plan aku lepas habis Degree. Muntah hijau lah kau baca plan aku ni.

Lesen Kereta
Sebagai seorang yang sudah melepasi umur belasan tahun, seharusnya sesuatu yang wajib untuk mempunyai lesen kereta tetapi malangnya aku masih tiada lesen kereta. Haaa gelak puas-puas. Takpe aku dah biasa dah kena gelak dengan orang bila dah tahu aku takde lesen kereta lagi. Cedih.

Jadi plan aku habis je raya sebulan (ye aku nak raya sebulan tak kira), aku akan mula mengambil kursus lesen kereta. Lepas ni dah takde sesiapa boleh gelakkan aku. Harharhar (ketawa bangga)

Ye sebagai Gen-Y aku seharusnya mempunyai angan-angan yang harap-harap bukan angan-angan Mat Jenis untuk mempunyai business sendiri. Business apa tu aku tak boleh reveal lagi sbb semua hanyalah dalam perancangan dan apa-apa ground work masih belum dijalankan. Nanti kalau aku bagitahu awal pastu tak jadi malu oiii. Buuuu. hahahahha

Perkara ini haruslah telah dibincang dengan Family aku (Ayah, Ibu & Kakak) dan hasil dari perbincangan secara berasingan tu aku dapat 3 jawapan.

Ok lah tu kalau nak buat business. Fokus. - Kakak
Orang hantar belajar tinggi-tinggi nak suruh cari kerja. - Ibu
Boleh nak business tapi kenalah ada pengalaman. Kerja dulu cari pengalaman lepastu baru buat business. - Ayah

Memandangkan aku plan untuk fokus setahun dalam business ni so kiranya kakak aku sokonglah pada plan aku yang satu ni tapi aku tak dapat sokongan dari 2 orang yang paling penting dalam hidup aku jadi aku perlu lambatkan sikit plan aku yang satu ni. Korang tunggu je business meletop aku ni sampai kat telinga korang, ok?

Ohoiiii, siapa taknak kerja oiii dapat duit dari hasil titik peluh sendiri? Nak bayar duit PTPTN lagi ni. Dengan air liur mana mahu nye nak langsai PTPTN tu. Jadi seharusnya aku pun mempunyai cita-cita yang sama untuk bekerja.

Dan jujur aku kata, buat masa ni aku sangat berminat untuk bekerja sebagai PA kepada sesiapa yang memerlukan PA. Tapi kena tunggu aku dapat lesen kereta dulu lah.

Kenapa PA? Sebab bagi aku kekuatan aku sekarang adalah PR skills dan dengan menjadi PA aku dapat rasa aku akan banyak improve dalam PR skills aku. So, pada mana-mana yang nak pakai PA tu, Tuan/Puan harap reserve vacancy tersebut untuk saya sampai saya dapat lesen kereta ok? Hihi.

MBa/Masters adalah merupakan salah satu impian aku dan plan untuk masa depan aku. Aku harap sangat aku dapat sambung Masters dekat Aussie. Aku pun tak tahu kenapa aku nak sangat pergi Aussie tapi aku nak lah. Dan seharusnya lah parents aku suka kalau anak dia sambung belajar lagi.

You can start thinking of MBa now - Miss Ayu

Yes, Miss Ayu (lecturer) pun dah start dah sokong aku untuk pursue impian aku yang satu ni. Korang doakan taw aku berjaya sambung Masters ni. Nanti aku belikan korang souveniers ok?

Jalan. Jalan. Jalan.

Siapa tak suka jalan kan? Aku kalau boleh nak travel sorang-sorang rasa macam mana nak survive sendiri pastu belajar pasal culture orang, makanan orang dan untuk mampu lihat dunia dari satu perspektif yang lain. Aku takde lah memasang harapan yang tinggi dalam impian ni dengan terus nak pergi luar negara kan. Tapi impian ni aku pasang untuk travel dalam Malaysia dulu dengan lihat keunikan negara sendiri lepastu baru lah aku boleh hargai negara sendiri dan negara lain. Haaa gittewww.

So, sesiapa yang mampu merealisasikan impian aku yang satu ni, please please please help me. Nak travel oiii.


Ok by that habislah plan masa depan aku buat masa ni. Terima kasih sebab gigih dan tabah bersama aku untuk entry ni dan terima kasih sebab mendoakan aku agar tercapai semua impian aku ni. Ah sayang lah korang semua. Muah ciked. Papepun ini semua hanyalah plan sahaja. Sesungguhnya kita merancang dan Dia merancang dan sebaik-baik perancangan adalah darinNya.


Saturday, May 14, 2016


"I can't commit with this relationship anymore."
"You're too busy until you don't have time for me anymore. "
"There is a better person who understand me."
"You've changed."

I believe all these are the excuses to break up and then it will lead you to heart break. When your heart is broken, all your emotions mixing up with each other. You will feel physically and emotionally tired. You will enter into depression mode. All things around you seems wrong. You tried. You tried so hard to repair the relationship but there's nothing more you can do. You start blaming yourself for everything that happened. You feel that you're not good enough for him/her. You cry every night. Reminiscing all the memories that both of you created and then you cry again. You cry until there's nothing left for you to cry again and your ex happily moving on with his/her life. Screw you.

Somehow you realize that you have to wake up. You have to start anew. You have to find yourself back. Where is all the confident level that you used to have? Where is the most charming smile that you ever had? Where is the happy-go-lucky person? Then you start asking yourself questions.

"How can I find my happiness again?"
"How can I move on?"
"How can I view the world in different perspective?"
"How to be confident again?"

And because of all those questions that even I,  asked to myself that lead me to share on how I start anew because I know the struggle that you're facing now. We wear the same shoes dear. So here I come up with few tips that you can take to find who you are back. Hope it helps you.

1. Is it worth it?

Your heart broke into pieces but then there you are still standing there hoping for him/her. Get hurt million times but because you still love him/her, you said it is okay. Is it worth it? Is it worth it to get hurt by people who do not know on how to appreciate you? Is it worth it for you to cry for him each and every night?

Ask yourself. Only you can answer this question.

2. Express yourself

If you want to cry, cry. If you want to scream, scream. If you want to eat, eat. If you want to sleep, sleep. Don't keep it in your heart for too long. Express it. Show your sadness. Show your anger. Only then it will help you to calm down. I used to advice people to be strong. Stop crying but little do i know that the more you restrain yourself from expressing it, the more bad you'll be. It is nothing wrong if you cry when you sad. Crying doesn't mean that you're weak but crying show how strong you are because you can express yourself. It takes time. Everything takes time. Even to success takes time.

So, don't rush yourself. Take step by step. You start with crying but later, you'll end with smiling.

3. Love yourself

When you're in relationship, you tend to prioritise your partner first rather than yours and now, there you are crying. Why don't you take a moment and ask yourself, why don't i love myself first? I believe the most thing i learnt when my heart's broke is i have to love myself first. Nothing comes first more than my happiness. Family, friends or  colleuges are only the catalyst for your happiness. The one that decide to be happy is yourself. Value yourself. Love yourself. You're worth it. There is no man in this world that He created unworthy.

Love and accept all your flaws first, only then others can love and accept yours.

4. Positive vibe

To have a positive mind, you need a positive vibes. If you can't find one, be one. I believe those words that you think you throw to others are actually meant for you. It is okay. Throw all those words. If no one read, at least you read it. You express yourself. Keep yourself with positive quotes. You can google it anyway. It is all in your fingertips. If you like it printed, then print it. If you like it written, then write it. Utilize all of your creativity as long as you're happy.

If you're not be able to be the positive one, find a person who you're comfortable to talk with. Talk with them and i believe your friends will keep you in those positive vibes.

5. Explore

When you're in a relationship, you keep depending on your partner but now they are no longer with you. This doesn't mean that your life already comes to the end. There are lots of thing that you can explore in the real world. You like make up? Explore make up world. You like fashion? Explore fashion world. You like photography? Explore photography world. Even you like Naruto? Explore Naruto world.

Keep doing what you love. Explore what you're into. Don't limit yourself. Learn new thing. Only then you know there are lot more thing in this world.


I hope with all the tips that i share with you will help you. Even a little. I hope that we can always keep spreading love and positive vibes to the world. And also i'm sorry if there is a tip from me that you disagree.  I try to write this in bahasa but it feels so formal. I just can't. Hahahahha.

Oh yaa! All these are only tips. The true peace comes from Him, The Almighty. He is the owner of every heart, so only him can give you the peace that you ask. Sure, He tested you because He knows you can. Don't lose faith. Life isa long journey. Have fun and be happy.

Love ya!


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Hello sweetie. How are you doing today? It is very hot out there so I hope you guys take plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated okay? If possible, please avoid outdoor activities and if you really have to, wear cap or take umbrella with you. Your health is much more precious than anything else.


Have you guys ever heard about

So here I am introducing it to you if you never heard about it :p

Eyy, what are you waiting for? Go click the link and take the test to know your personalities!


If you already opened the website and you found that the questions is wayyyyyy too many for you to answers, here I am to be your life savior. Hehe. Below is the simplest, easiest and quickest way for you to answer the questions and know your personalities in 5 mins.

So yeah, you're welcome :p

Now you know you're personality. What's next? Go google up your initials of each question and tadaa you found your personality.

Warning: It consist of 8 part from introduction, strengths & weaknesses to conclusion. Of course each part consist of looooooooong explanation. Happy reading!

Oh you can also ask your loved one to take this test so that you know their personality and it will make it easier for you to handle them.